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November Parent Letter 2023

Writer: The Academy of DanceThe Academy of Dance

November Parent Letter Dear Parents and Students,

Can you believe it’s already November? Once again we have a busy month ahead of us so I’ll get right into it.



- Tuition reminder

- costume fee and student info form reminder

- contact info reminder

- Ballet watch party November 4

- Observation Week November 6-11

- Conference Week November 13-17

- No class days this month


Tuition for November is due today. Remember to enroll in auto-pay if you want your tuition to be paid automatically. It is late after the 10th.

Our costume fee is due December 1. It is $65 for Ballet 4-5 students and $60 for all other students. Costumes are yours to keep after the summer concert. If your child will not be in the summer concert, please indicate that on your student information form which you can fill out here if you haven’t yet.

Contact info. If you want to receive text notifications when a parent letter is sent or regarding urgent information such as last-minute closures, you need to enter your cell phone and mobile carrier information into your parent profile. This is the only way I can send text messages now that we are using GoMotion so you will not receive text messages from us if you don’t have this information in your profile. You can also download the SportsEngineMotion app and sign up for push notifications. I will only send notifications regarding important updates.

Ballet watch party. We will be watching the Royal Ballet’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland on Saturday, November 4, from 5:00-7:30. Admission is only $5 per person and includes popcorn! This movie night is for dancers who can sit through an entire ballet with no dialogue so we are intending it for students in Ballet 1 and up.

Observation week. Our first observation week is November 6-11! This observation week is for all classes and levels. Family members are invited to come into the studio, watch class, and ask questions of the teacher. It’s a great way to meet other parents, get to know the faculty, and see what your child is learning and how a ballet class is structured.

Conference week. Our first parent-teacher conference week is November 13-17. You can go to this link [] to sign up for a 20-minute conference with your child’s teacher(s). Due to our overlapping schedules, Sara and Lesley’s availability is minimal so if your child does not have a class with one of them, please sign up for a slot where they are not listed as available. If you would like a conference but none of the time slots listed work for you, email me and we will find a time to meet. You can schedule a conference any time of year, but we set aside some extra time during conference weeks to encourage parents to come in and discuss their child’s progress.

There will be class on Friday, November 10, and Saturday, November 11, despite the holiday. Therewill be no class Wednesday-Friday, November 22-24, in honor of Thanksgiving. Saturday classes will meet on the 25th as a make-up for the day we canceled at the end of September when everyone was sick. Please let us know if you will be able to attend.

That’s all for this month! I hope to see many of you at observation week!



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