I hope you are all having a great summer! Even with July coming to a close, there is still a lot going on at the Academy of Dance and I hope you can join us!
August office hours are 8:45 am - 1:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. I'm available outside these hours by appointment.
Monday, August 5Â is the start of drop-in classes, which will run throughout the month of August for incoming levels B-F (approximately ages 9 and up). The Intermediate/Advanced (levels D, E, F) class is Monday through Thursday from 9-11 am, and the Beginning/Intermediate class (levels B & C) is Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm. Classes are $12 each.
Monday, August 12 through Friday, August 16 is our last Fairytale Ballet Workshop of the summer! This week's theme will be the ballet Coppélia, a light-hearted and comical ballet that involves dancing dolls, mistaken identity, and a lot of mischief! The cost is $75 for the week, or $65 if you attended the June workshop. The times are 10:00-11:30 for ages 3-5 and 12:30-2:00 for ages 6-8. Family members are invited to the last 15 minutes of Friday's workshop to see a mini-performance.
Saturday, August 17Â will be our first movie night of the summer! We will be watching the movie Leap!, an animated film about two orphan children n France who escape an orphanage to pursue their dream of dancing in Paris. The movie will start at 6:00 pm and finish around 7:30. There is no cost to attend, but please do RSVP so I know how many people to expect. Feel free to bring a snack to share with the group, and you may also wish to bring pillows, blankets, etc. Parents and children are welcome to attend!
Saturday, August 24 will be our first-ever Shoe Swap! If you have any dance shoes or leotards that your child has outgrown, or if your child needs a new pair of shoes and you don't want to pay full price, this is the event for you! Here's how it will work: If you want to sell gently-used shoes or leotards, bring them to the studio by 12 pm on the 24th (this means you can bring them any time between now and then). Make sure they are clearly marked with your name on a sticker or piece of tape so I know whose account to credit for the purchase. 20% of each sale will go to SYB; the rest will go on your account as a credit! Most items will be priced around $5 depending on quality. If you want to purchase shoes or a leotard, come to the studio with your dancer on August 24 at any time between 2:00-5:00 pm. Your dancer can try on shoes and leotards and you can purchase whatever fits. Cash or check (made out to AOD) only. If you want to donate items to the studio, leave your name off when you bring them. I will either sell them, with 100% of the proceeds going to SYB, or they will become part of the studio's collection for dancers who may need to borrow them. If you want to volunteer at the shoe swap, I would be very glad to have your help! Let me know when you're available (between 12:00-6:00 pm) that day.
Saturday, August 31Â is a studio spruce-up day. Unlike last year, there will be no painting involved this time around, just a lot of magic erasers to clean smudges off the walls and studio floor. We'll go from 10 am - 12 pm. Lunch will be provided afterward (or feel free to bring a dish to share), so RSVP if you plan on coming to help. Then I hope you plan on staying because from 1:00-3:00 pm will be another movie! This time we'll be watching Mao's Last Dancer, an inspiring film based on the true story of a young man growing up studying ballet in Communist China before coming to the United States. Similar to White Nights, the movie deals with themes of political and artistic freedom, poverty, and authoritarianism, and as such, may not be suitable for young audiences (it's rated PG). As with Leap!, there is no cost to attend, but please do RSVP so I know how many to plan for. Feel free to bring snacks, blankets, pillows, family members, etc.
Fall registration is currently open! Stop by the studio during office hours, email spokaneacademyofdance@gmail.com, or go to https://dancestudio-pro.com/online/spokaneaod to register for the upcoming school year. We'd love to have you join our little family! :)