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Studio Policies

updated July 2024

Parents and students, please read the following policies, discuss them and accept them before enrolling at the Academy of Dance or in any independently operated programs offered at the Academy of Dance.


Students are expected to attend all classes in which they are registered. Students who are injured should attend class and observe or do modified exercises. In the event of illness or a pre-planned absence, contact the office to notify us (in advance if possible) and schedule a make-up class.



Students are expected to behave respectfully toward staff and other students at all times. Bullying, back-talk, and inappropriate touching will not be tolerated. Parents will be notified of any offenses. Running, rough-horsing, hanging on barres, climbing on furniture, and shouting in the studio are also not permitted.



In the event of inclement weather, the Academy of Dance will follow CVSD’s closure policy. The Academy of Dance reserves the right to cancel any classes that do not meet minimum attendance requirements. A class may also be canceled if a teacher is absent and we are unable to provide a qualified substitute. Parents will be notified by email and text in the event of cancellations.



Nearly all communication from the studio is via email and will be sent either from or When registering, please use an email account that you will check regularly. Occasionally, we may send texts in the event of last-minute schedule changes or other emergencies, such as class cancellations due to inclement weather. These texts cannot be replied to.



Parents may schedule a conference with the Director at any time, but we will post sign-ups for conferences twice a year (fall and spring). Conferences may be in person or on Zoom and may include the dancer and other faculty, or not, at the parent’s request.



Students are expected to be in dress code at all classes and rehearsals and should arrive at the studio already wearing their ballet attire. When arriving at and leaving the studio, students should wear additional clothing over their leotard and/or tights. Do not wear ballet shoes outside the studio. No street shoes are allowed on the marley (dance floors).



Students should arrive 5-10 minutes before their class is scheduled to begin and be picked up within 10 minutes after class is over. If you cannot avoid dropping your child off or picking them up outside this window, contact the office (in advance if possible).



If your child is ill or experience symptoms, please notify the office and keep them home rather than sending them to class while they are sick. If your child is recovering from an illness (no longer contagious) but is still coughing or sneezing, you may send them to class if they wear a mask.



In-studio parent observation of classes will be limited to designated Observation Days listed on the Calendar. On Observation Days, family members are welcomed into the studio and may ask questions of the instructor. Family members may also watch classes using Zoom at any time, keeping their microphone off.



The Registration Fee, Costume Fee, and Performance Fee are nonrefundable. Parents must fill out a Drop Form 30 days before dropping a class. Tuition will continue to apply during the 30-day period and the student may continue taking class until the end of the period. Only tuition paid beyond the 30-day mark will be refunded.



Tuition is due on the 1st of each month (September through June). A late fee of $10 will be applied to tuition charges that are unpaid after the 10th of the month. If you need to set up a payment plan, contact the office. Failure to pay tuition may result in expulsion from the Academy.

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