Dear Parents and Students,
I hope everyone is having a great summer! Our summer classes are in full swing and we’re seeing a lot of growth in the dancers already. If you haven’t signed up for any summer classes yet, there is still time! We have three more weeks of classes before we break until September.
Dancers ages 3-8 can sign up for our week-long Fairytale Ballet workshop which will take place next week (August 8-12). This year’s theme is The Snow Queen! Students will take a daily age-appropriate pre-ballet class, listen to the story of The Snow Queen, and do a themed craft, culminating in a showcase for family on Friday. A light snack will be provided each day. Masks are optional but recommended.
Dancers in Ballet 1-2 can sign up for a week-long intensive workshop which is also taking place next week (August 8-12). Each day will consist of body conditioning, ballet technique, and stretching, followed by a class in an alternative discipline such as jazz or character.
All dancers can take drop-in classes which are happening weekly through August 25. See our schedule at spokaneacademyofdance.com/summer-drop-ins and register through your parent portal, or email me the dates you wish to drop in.
In case you missed it, August 27 is a busy day at the studio! We will be holding our auditions for the winter concert, The Snow Queen! As a reminder, all dancers in Ballet 1-5 will be part of this winter concert; however, they can audition for an additional role which will rehearse Saturdays. The Saturday roles are open to all dancers in the Spokane area age 6 and older. Go to https://www.spokaneacademyofdance.com/auditions for audition times, the online audition form, and more information about the show.
August 27 is also the date of our Open House. Drop in any time between 5-7 pm to meet teachers and other students, get fitted for dancewear, sign up for classes, and more.
Make sure to register for fall classes before they fill up! If you’re not sure what level your child should be in, email me and I can let you know.
I hope you’re all managing to stay cool and hydrated in this heat!
~Naomi <><