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2024-2025 Class Information

Creative Movement

Leotard: light pink short-sleeve

Class Options: Thursdays, 11:00-11:30 or 5:45-6:15

Tuition: $57/month


Elementary 1

Leotard: lavender short-sleeve

Class Options: Wednesdays, 4:15-5:00 or Thursdays, 11:45am-12:30

Tuition: $67/month


Elementary 2

Leotard: light blue short-sleeve

Class Time: Mondays, 5:15-6:15

Tuition: $72/month


Elementary 3

director approval is required for this class

Leotard: mint-green short-sleeve

Class Options: Mondays, 4:00-5:00 or Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00

Tuition: $72/month


Boys' Class

Ages 8-12

Class Schedule: Fridays, 5:45-6:30

Tuition: FREE - click to learn more


Ballet 1

Leotard: burgundy tank

Class Schedule: two of the following: Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30, Wednesdays, 6:15-7:15, Thursdays, 4:30-5:30

Tuition: $129/month


Ballet 2

Leotard: plum tank

Class Schedule:

   Mondays, 6:30-7:45 and Wednesdays, 5:45-7:00

   Pre-Pointe may be taken with director approval: Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30

Tuition: $139/month; $44 to add pre-pointe

tuition discounts


Boys are tuition-free! Just pay fees (see below)

Sibling discount: 10% off younger sibling(s); boys not included

Referral discount: one-time $50 credit if you refer a new student who enrolls

Multi-class discount (calculated per student):

          10% off 2nd class

          20% off 3rd class

          30% off 4th class

Ballet 3

Pointe shoes should be brought to all classes.

Leotard: teal, any style except halter-neck, rhinestone, or cut-out

Class Schedule:

   Mondays 4:00-4:15 conditioning, 4:15-5:30 technique, 5:30-6:00 variations

   Tuesdays 4:00-5:30 technique, 5:30-6:00 pointe

   Thursdays 6:00-6:15 conditioning, 6:15-7:45 technique

Tuition: $200/month


​Ballet 4

Pointe shoes should be brought to all classes. Students in this level may take unlimited classes in Ballet 1-3.

Leotard: black, any style except halter-neck, rhinestone, or cut-out

Class Schedule:

   Mondays 6:00-6:15 conditioning, 6:15-7:30 technique

   Wednesdays, 4:00-4:15 conditioning, 4:15-5:30 technique

   Fridays 4:00-5:45 technique, 5:45-6:30 variations

   Saturdays 10:00-11:30am technique, 11:45-12:30 pointe

Tuition: $273/month

​Optional Classes:

​   Character 4-5 Mondays, 7:30-8:00 - $19/month

   Modern Improv 1 Saturdays, 9:00-10:00 am - $38/month



Ballet 5

Students in Ballet 5 are required to take at least four technique classes per week (Thursdays and Fridays are required). Pointe shoes should be brought tot every class. Students in this level may take unlimited classes in any level.

Leotard: black, any style except halter-neck, rhinestone, or cut-out

Class Schedule:

   Mondays 6:00-6:15 conditioning, 6:15-7:30 technique

   Wednesdays, 4:00-4:15 conditioning, 4:15-5:30 technique

   Thursdays 3:45-5:15 technique

   Fridays 4:00-5:45 technique, 5:45-6:30 variations

   Saturdays 10:00-11:30am technique, 11:45-12:30 pointe

Tuition: $273/month

​Optional Classes:

​   Character 4-5 Mondays, 7:30-8:00 - $19/month

   Modern Improv 1 Saturdays, 9:00-10:00 am - $38/month

   Modern Improv 2 Saturdays, 12:30-1:30 (teacher approval required)



Registration Fee: $25/family, due upon registration

Costume Fee: $60/costume ($65 for Ballet 3-5), due December 1

Performance Fee: $50/student, due March 1

performance policy


Only students enrolled in all required classes for their level are eligible to participate in Academy of Dance performances.

dress code for boys


Creative Movement and Elementary 1-3: white T-shirt, black leggings, white socks, black ballet shoes

Ballet 1-5: white fitted T-shirt, black tights, white socks, black ballet shoes

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